All the information about the ECTS and the official organization of the program for the first year can be found here.

Important dates for the year 2024-2025

All deadlines mean: "before midnight on the day of the deadline"

(Last update: 11/06/2024)

Sep. 9 (am)

  First day meeting
Sep. 9 (pm)   Fall semester and bootcamp start
Oct. 25   Submission of thesis topic and advisor name
Oct. 28 -> Nov.3   Reading week
Nov. 4 -> Nov. 7   Mid-term exams
Dec. 9 -> Dec. 13   Reading week
Dec. 16 -> Dec. 20   Fall semester exams
Dec. 23 -> Jan. 3   Winter vacation
Jan. 6 -> Jan. 17   Winter School
Jan. 20   Spring semester starts
Jan. 26   Thesis proposal submission
Feb. 17 -> Mar. 2   Reading week
Mar. 17 -> Mar. 20   Mid-term exams
Apr. 14 -> Apr. 27   Easter break
May 12 -> May 16   Reading week 
May 19 -> May 23   Spring semester exams
June 6   Submission of the final version of the thesis
June 13   Master thesis defense

Timetable for students with a background in Economics

Timetable for students with a background in Psychology